quadx interveiw
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An interveiw with the creator of quadx.

Below is an interveiw with max johnson.

Craig:    How did u come up with the idea allstar entertainment.?
Max:      i just thought about some name that i could relate to, and i decided the name alstar, beacuse it was something different and i could link loads of sites up and we could all go under the name alstar Entertainment.
craig:   does allstar entertainment have anything to do with quadx?
Max:     well my site quadx inspired me to make the name alstar, quadx is the main site in alstar entertainment and then only one at the moment, soon there will be loads of sites joining but alstar will be the head/main site
Craig: how will allstar effect quadx?
Max: it wont really effect quadx, it will just make it better, all the sites under the name alstar will share things on there sites, so quadx wont be as popular, people now know quadx as one of the first sites created by your m8s to offer member accounts, all the sites under alstar will have the same member acount
Craig:   Wot age group are you making allstar for?
Max:   alstar is for teens i suppose, its not for the ages after than and there for the ages below its abit two erm wots the word too vilant erm.... well lets just say when i joined up with tripod i registerd my site as a 12 so alstar is for ages 12-16 i suppose.
 That was the interveiw with the creator of quadx if u want to check out quadx go to

this site was created by craig kitcher and max put me up to it lol